6 Tips to Creating a Successful Virtual Trade Show
Reading Time: 3 minutes
Follow these expert tips for planning and hosting a Virtual Trade Show. After hosting virtual trade shows for the past 21 years, we pulled together best practices to help you achieve the best results.
- Set goals up front. What does success look like?
- What are the objectives of the virtual trade show? Launch a new product or service, thought leadership, lead generation?
- Pre-event goals: # of registrations
- During the event goals: # of attendees, # of booth visits, # of assets downloaded
- Post-event: # of downloads, webinar recording views, click-through rate on the follow up emails
- Leads – > opportunities -> closed deals
- Naming and positioning of the event
- Why would someone one attend?
- What feeling do you want someone to have (strength, sense of community, empowered)
- What are the 1-2 things they should recall from the virtual conference?
- Content is a big deal
- What does your target audience want to learn about?
- What are your core competencies? Bring other speakers that have other expertise
- What is NEW or different about what you are saying?
- How can you convey your key messages in a digestible format
- Use a multi-channel promotion strategy
- Who are the buyer persona’s that you are targeting? Should you include existing customers?
- Email program (starts 3 weeks prior) – Keep in mind that 83% of event attendees still come from emails. Also, the majority of registrants come a few days prior to the event so keep the campaign going
- Promoted Face Book posts – Use images to keep the ads visual
- Internal social promotion – Create and distribute templates to staff for tweets or LinkedIn posts by your employees to their network.
- Referral campaign – Use campaign tracking URL to offer incentives
- Leverage partner and speaker networks to help promote your event
- Love ‘Em or Loose ‘Em Fast – During the virtual trade show you need to engage your audience
- Customize your event environment to represent your brand. First first impressions are everything
- Incorporate visually interesting graphics
- Add a welcome video to greet attendees and tell them what to expect
- Provide good speakers that are well prepared with their content and the technology
- Plan for how can they interact and engage – polls, surveys, networking rooms, chat
- Consider giveaways, games and prizes to make the event fun and drive behavior
- Use broadcast messages to announce prize winners, alert attendees to special offers, or direct them to a presentation or booth
- Tailor the virtual conference experience to your different audience segments. Create entitlement groups who can access specific content items, specific graphics and even entire rooms and spaces. For example, add a VIP lounge to give special access so that your top customers and prospects chat live with your executives
- Keep it Alive! Extend the life of your virtual event. Keeping your virtual trade show available on-demand can increase your viewership by over 25%. Also, re-purpose the content created during the virtual trade show via blog posts, YouTube, slide-share, make an e-Book, etc.
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