Event Gamification for Virtual & Hybrid Events

Incent attendees for completing activities while making it fun.

Attendee engagement is the key differentiator between a virtual event’s success and failure. Create challenges that gets your guests involved, drive interaction, and keep sponsors busy.

Virtual Event Gamification

What is Event Gamification?

Gamification is the process of creating game-like incentives around content, whether that be by rewarding points for tasks, activities, or tracking completion.

Virtual event gamification also breaks-up the monotony of screen fatigue and because it works on the principle of rewards and reinforcement, organizers can get creative or turn to sponsors to provide prizes.

Virtual Event Gamification Features

Virtual Event Gamification Leaderboard

Choose From Our Template Challenges or Create Your Own

Create games and assign point values in minutes that drives engagement.

  • Who can plan - select which ticket types can participate in challenges to earn prizes (e.g., disallow staff)
  • Area- select which area in the virtual event platform attendees can earn points (webinar views, booth visits, content views, networking, etc.)
  • Action - select which action(s) an attendee has to do to earn points (including how long they viewed a session or visited a booth)
  • Points - set how many points they receive when completing the desired action
  • Trigger - set which specific part of the event will prompt points

Then, offer prizes to attendees with the most points!

Virtual Leaderboards

Struggling to encourage innovation, productivity and engagement through your virtual event program? A little competition goes a long way.

Providing rewards and prizes for a gamification challenge further incentivizes your attendees to participate more broadly in the whole virtual event experience.

Create exciting and memorable challenges (i.e., a virtual scavenger hunt, making new connections challenge, and other event objectives)
Virtual Event Scavenger Hunt

Virtual Event Scavenger Hunts

Lead your guests around the virtual environment with a scavenger hunt. Offer clues or let your attendees stumble across hidden objects as they explore the virtual rooms and spaces. Finding scavenger hunt items can count toward the points on the leaderboard!



Trivia Games

Add a bit of competition within your virtual event with trivia. Offer an excellent ice breaker that helps get attendees into the swing of things with questions related to your organization, or general trivia questions.

Event Gamification Trivia

Why Customers Love Communique's Event Gamification

"Communique offers an easy-to-use, yet highly engaging virtual event experience. The platform offers the opportunity to infuse an element of fun into the virtual experience."

Anne B

I really like how comprehensive Communique's virtual event platform is. We can include engagement features such as breakout rooms, gamification, scavenger hunt, and a photo booth.

Andrew L

"It is a great looking platform that all attendees can easily navigate and also have a great time listening music, playing trivia games, while also being educated through live sessions. The customer support is incredibly knowledgeable and responsive.”

Chelsea B

Ready to Host Epic Virtual Events With Gamification and Engagement?

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